Käännös "ellos lo dijeron" englanti
Ellos lo dijeron
También dijeron que no había bastantes jueces.
They also said that they did not have a sufficient number of judges.
Los violadores no dijeron nada durante el acto.
Nothing was said by the perpetrators during the rape.
Esa tarea, dijeron, es una responsabilidad conjunta.
This task, they said, is a joint responsibility.
Algunos dijeron que eran reclutas.
Some said they were draftees.
Otros dijeron que los progresos habían sido escasos.
Others said that progress had been limited.
En realidad tengo poco que añadir a lo que dijeron.
In fact I have little to add to what they said.
Eso es lo que dijeron.
That is what they said.
Otros dijeron que no habían recibido nada.
Others said that they had not received anything.
Según dijeron, no había extranjeros.
No foreigners were said to be involved.
Sólo que ellos lo dijeron sin todos los planetas dando vueltas alrededor de su cabeza
only they said it... without all the planets circling around their heads.
Ellos, ellos, ellos lo dijeron.
They, they, they said it.
De acuerdo sólo pasaste la puerta ¿cuándo ellos lo dijeron?
Of course you just happened to be passing the door when they said it.
—No, pero por lo que dijeron y cómo lo dijeron.
No, but it was what they said and how they said it.
Nos dijeronDijeron que tal vez no saldrías de esta.
They said—they said you might not make it.
Pero no, le dijeron que no lo había.
But no, they said there was not.
Dijerondijeron que no podía contárselo a nadie.
“They said. They said I couldn’t tell anyone.
Los médicos dijeron… bah, no importa lo que dijeron.
The doctors said… ah, never mind what they said.
Todos me dijeron «dale un beso», y dijeron que le gustaría.
They all said, kiss her; and said she'd like it.
—¿Qué es lo que dijeron?
“And what was said?”
Pero no dijeron nada.
But they said nothing.
—¿Fue eso lo que le dijeron?
‘Is that what they said?’
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