Käännös "el anuncio será" englanti
El anuncio será
  • the announcement will be
  • the ad will be
the announcement will be
—Y la habrá, pero no lo anuncies.
There will be one, but do not announce it.
No se anunció nada.
No announcements were made.
El coronel lo anunció.
“The Colonel announced it.”
¿Era un anuncio o un llamado?
WAS it an announcement or a call?
Se anunció la cena.
Dinner was announced.
Se anuncia un asesinato
A Murder Is Announced
Era un anuncio de boda.
It was a wedding announcement.
–Ésta es -anunció-.
‘This is it,’ he announced.
the ad will be
Anuncios inmobiliarios discriminatorios.
Discriminatory real estate ads
* Publicidad: sobre todo anuncios inmobiliarios
Advertising, especially real estate ads
Sustitución de los anuncios, cooperación en evitar anuncios similares, disculpa pública.
Replacement of ads, cooperation in avoiding similar ads, public apologies
¿De qué es este anuncio?
What is this an ad for?
Un anuncio de algo.
“An ad for something.”
—¿Qué hay de ese anuncio?
“What about this ad?”
Eran como un anuncio.
It was just like an ad.
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