Käännös "documentos incriminatorios" englanti
Documentos incriminatorios
Entonces, la autora prescindió de los servicios de Harper Grey Easton y pidió la devolución de su expediente, pero el bufete de abogados devolvió sólo una parte y le ocultó documentos incriminatorios que finalmente fueron hechos públicos en un juicio posterior contra Harper Grey Easton.
The author then dismissed Harper Grey Easton and asked for a return of her files, but Harper Grey Easton returned only a portion of those files and concealed from her incriminating documents that were finally disclosed at a later trial against Harper Grey Easton.
6. Entre los documentos incriminatorios a los que se hizo referencia en la conferencia de prensa figuraban las dos demandas judiciales contra del Primer Ministro, Nguyen Tan Dung, interpuestas por Cu Huy Ha Vu.
6. The incriminating documents referred to in the press conference included the two lawsuits against Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung which were filed by Cu Huy Ha Vu.
Documentos incriminatorios grabaciones incriminatorias del sujeto y un experto, para darle legitimidad.
Incriminating documents, embarrassing footage of the subject and an expert to make it legit.
María fue arrestada mientras se registraban sus habitaciones en Chartley descubriendo cientos de documentos incriminatorios.
Mary was taken away while her rooms at Chartley were searched, turning up hundreds of incriminating documents.
Tienes documentos incriminatorios y quieres que enjuicie a esta gente a cambio de no encarcelar a Mike Ross.
You got a hold of some incriminating documents, and you want me to prosecute these people in exchange for keeping Mike Ross out of jail.
Mi padre y yo nos sentábamos juntos, y yo asaba malvaviscos mientras él quemaba lo que ahora sé que deben haber sido documentos incriminatorios.
My father and I would sit together, and I'd roast marshmallows, and then he'd burn what I now realize must've been incriminating documents.
Encontramos documentos incriminatorios... cosidos en el forro de la capa de Poseidón Blomberg.
We found incriminating documents- Sewn into the lining of Poseidon Blomberg's coat.
Y si salimos, podemos invitarles a chupitos, así mañana tendrán resaca y serán descuidados con los documentos incriminatorios.
And if we go out, we can buy them shots, then tomorrow they'll be hung over and sloppy with incriminating documents.
Sí. Esta gente suele llevar algunos documentos incriminatorios.
Well, uh, yes, uh,...uh, these people usually have a few incriminating documents they want us to sign.
—¿Se trata de los documentos incriminatorios, del material bueno?
“Are these the incriminating documents, the good stuff?”
«Todo lo que necesitamos son algunos documentos incriminatorios».
She said, “All we need are a few incriminating documents.”
Eran los documentos incriminatorios que había utilizado para iniciar su investigación.
They were the incriminating documents that the professor had used to begin his investigation.
No sabían si arrojar los documentos incriminatorios al mar o enterrarlos.
They were undecided then whether to cast this incriminating document out to sea or to bury it.
Tal vez había un alijo secreto de sustancias químicas, armas, documentos incriminatorios.
Maybe there was a secret stash of chemicals, guns, incriminating documents.
Lo encontrarán tras las líneas americanas, vestido de civil, con documentos incriminatorios en su poder.
He’ll be found behind the American lines, in civilian clothes, with incriminating documents on his person.
Pero, en tal supuesto, ¿por qué me empeño yo en llevar encima todo el día semejante documento incriminatorio?
But if so, why do I persist in carrying the incriminating document around with me all day long?
Era casi imposible relacionarlos con los negocios ilícitos que realizaban porque nunca ponían a su nombre los contratos ni otros documentos incriminatorios.
It was almost impossible to connect them to their illicit businesses because they never put their names to contracts or other incriminating documents.
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