Käännös "diminuta estatura" englanti
Diminuta estatura
Espera, quizá pueda aprovecharme de mi diminuta estatura.
Wait, perhaps I can use my diminutive stature to my advantage.
O quizá poseía una fuerza interior que su diminuta estatura conseguía camuflar.
Or maybe she simply had an internal toughness that her diminutive stature camouflaged.
Plenamente consciente de la rigidez de su cuerpo y de su diminuta estatura, empezó a remorderle la conciencia.
Acutely aware of the stiffness of her body and her diminutive stature, he felt his conscience begin to smote him.
Pese a su diminuta estatura, el Maestro Tleilaxu avanzó como si tuviera perfecto derecho a estar en la sala del trono de Kaitain.
Despite his diminutive stature, the Tleilaxu Master came forward as if he had a perfect right to be in the Imperial audience chamber of Kaitain.
La muñeca se apartó de la lámpara del escritorio y se puso rígidamente en pie. Apenas medía un palmo; pero, pese a su diminuta estatura resultaba aterradora.
It pushed away from the desk lamp and rose stiffly to its feet, all of ten inches tall but nonetheless terrifying for its diminutive stature.
Decidido a no acobardarse, Liir comenzó a merodear por el cuartel del ejército situado del lado de dentro de la puerta meridional, conocida como la «Ratonera Munchkin», en alusión a la diminuta estatura de los de ese pueblo.
Determined not to be cowed, Liir took to hanging around the army barracks just inside the south gate, known as Munchkin Mousehole, a reference to the diminutive stature of Munchkinlanders.
Tendría Tinos sesenta años, y debía su apariencia grotesca, menos a su indumentaria andrajosa y diminuta estatura que al monóculo con cerco de oro que tenía fijo en el ojo derecho.
His age was in the region of sixty, and the grotesqueness of his appearance was due less to his shabby attire and diminutive stature than to the gold-rimmed monocle fixed in his right eye.
Tenía cuarenta y tres años, y llevaba barba y un espeso bigote para tener un aspecto más severo; este asunto le preocupaba mucho, porque quería causar buena impresión a los desconocidos, pese a su diminuta estatura.
Forty-three years old, he had a complete beard and heavy mustache to make his little face look more dignified, a matter which concerned him deeply, for he wished always to impress strangers favorably despite his diminutive stature.
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