Käännös "dijo mirando es" englanti
Dijo mirando es
  • said watching is
  • he said it is looking
said watching is
—Enternecedor —dijo, mirando el hielo del whisky—.
‘Very touching,’ he said watching the ice in his Scotch.
—Me gusta ése —dijo, mirando los caballos en el paseo—.
"I like this," she said, watching the horses come out for the post parade.
«Vamos, vamos», se dijo, mirando el reloj y controlando el portátil al mismo tiempo.
“Come on, come on,” he said, watching the clock and checking his laptop.
—Esto debería bastar —dijo, mirando a Ben Tobbal dirigirse hacia el helicóptero.
‘That should be enough,’ he said, watching Ben Tobbal walk towards the helicopter.
—No querrán hacerlo —dijo, mirando cómo Kornblum pegaba la estrella al cristal de la ventana de la cocina—. No se prestarán.
"They won't do it," he said, watching as Kornblum pressed the little star against the kitchen windowpane. "They won't comply."
–Está bien -dijo mirando cómo Olive hacía rizos en los cabellos de la imagen de la Madre con la punta de una cerilla-. ¿Son María y Jesús?
“That’s good,” he said, watching her bring curl to the mother’s hair with the point of a matchstick. “Is it Mary and Jesus?”
—Algo parecido —dije, y abrí la puerta de una patada. —Muy sutil —dijo, mirando cómo la puerta quedaba colgando de los goznes—.
‘Something like that,’ I said, and kicked the door in. ‘Very subtle,’ she said, watching the door swing open on its hinges.
—No creo que la cosa se haya acabado —dijo mirando la puerta, y el Autor se dio cuenta de que era verdad, de que el borracho volvería con un arma para matarlos.
“I don’t think that’s the end of it,” he said, watching the door, and the Author realized he was right, the drunk would come back with a gun to kill them.
—Por Dios, si no lo supiera, me lo imaginaría —dijo, mirando cómo Ataúd Ed guardaba el largo revólver en su aceitada pistolera.
      "Lord, if I didn't know, I could guess," she said, watching Coffin Ed slip the long-barreled revolver back into its oiled shoulder holster.
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