Käännös "dijo a paul" englanti
Dijo a paul
he said to paul
—Vamos —le dijo a Paul Drake—;
"Come on," he said to Paul Drake.
—Hola, portajefe —le dijo a Paul—. Tienes una cosa mía en tu persona.
he said to Paul. “You’ve got something of mine on your person.
Sí, venga con nosotros, hasta estaría bien… ¿Quiere preguntarle a papá? —le dijo a Paul.
yeah, come with us, that would be good, actually . Do you want to ask Dad?’ he said to Paul. ‘Um .
–Quizá un día le eche una ojeada a ese libro, Señorita Corazones Solitarios -le dijo a Paul-.
“Perhaps one day I’ll have a look at that Miss Lonelyhearts book,” he said to Paul.
Volveré dentro de veinte minutos -le dijo a Paul- y a ver si así podemos sacar algo en claro de todo esto. -Salió y Karamzin, recobrada por completo su anterior truculencia, le echó a Paul una larga mirada. Paul dijo:
‘I shall be back in about twenty minutes,’ he said, to Paul, ‘and then perhaps we can make an end of all these things.’ So he went out and Karamzin, his former truculence fully restored, drank in a good long look at Paul.
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