Käännös "desacreditarlo" englanti
Samankaltaiset kontekstilausekkeet
Así que decide desacreditarlo.
So she decides to discredit him.
–Ellos intentan desacreditarlo -dijo Lupin-.
“They’re trying to discredit him,” said Lupin.
No es muy probable. Pensará que no es más que una intriga para desacreditarle.
Not very likely. He'll think it's only a plot to discredit him.
—¿Y eso bastará para desacreditarlo como candidato a Regente? —quise saber.
'But will these things discredit him as a candidate for Regent?' I wanted to know.
—Intentará desacreditarlo —afirmó Pam sin el menor titubeo.
“He’ll try to discredit him,” Pam said, without pausing a beat.
–Es una palabra vil usada por los enemigos políticos de Drácula para desacreditarlo.
“It is a vile word used by Dracula’s political enemies to discredit him.
La manera más segura de lograrlo era desacreditarlo o matarlo, si fuera necesario.
The surest way of doing so was to discredit him, kill him, if it came to that.
Evidentemente, Picard había obtenido la información gracias a Devereaux, en una maniobra para desacreditarle.
Obviously the information had come to Picard from Devereaux in a play to discredit him.
¿Y qué mejor modo de hacerlo que sacar a la luz una ingeniosa intriga para desacreditarlo?
What better way of doing that than to expose an ingenious scheme to discredit him?
Esta última condena al Gobierno e insiste en que se publique su informe para desacreditarlo ante la opinión pública internacional.
The Mission is condemnatory, and wants its report to be published so as to discredit the established authorities in the eyes of international public opinion.
Apenas finalizó la Conferencia Mundial contra el Racismo, la Discriminación Racial, la Xenofobia y las Formas Conexas de Intolerancia se desató una campaña para desacreditarla.
No sooner had the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance taken place, than there was immediately a campaign to discredit it.
Algunas mujeres que competían con políticos poderosos fueron acusadas de haber protagonizado escándalos sexuales, con el objeto de desacreditarlas.
Some female candidates face powerful competitors and have been accused of sex scandals in order to discredit them.
Nuestro sistema judicial, conocido históricamente por su integridad, fue sometido recientemente a un examen minucioso que tenía el propósito de desacreditarlo.
Recently our judicial system, which is known historically for its integrity, was put under microscopic examination with a view to discrediting it.
Sólo observando esas cualidades los defensores pueden hacer que se mantenga el respeto por su labor frente a los intentos de desacreditarlos.
It is only through these qualities that defenders are able to maintain respect for their work despite attempts to discredit them.
De ese modo se considera al Gobierno del Iraq responsable de operaciones cuyo objeto es manchar su reputación y desacreditarlo.
The Government of Iraq is then held responsible for such operations, the aim being to sully and discredit its reputation.
Me parece que no podemos ni debemos damos el lujo de desacreditarla.
It seems to me that we cannot and must not allow ourselves the luxury of discrediting it.
El autor también sostiene que el tribunal de primera instancia incorporó juicios de valor en el "resumen de los hechos" para desacreditarlo, sin pruebas justificativas.
The author also complains that the court of first instance incorporated judgmental statements into the "summary of the facts" to discredit the author, without supporting evidence.
Civilizaciones y religiones como la islámica están siendo especialmente sometidas a su propaganda con el objetivo de desacreditarlas.
Civilizations and religions such as Islam were the first victims of their propaganda, designed to discredit them.
Intentan desacreditarla, asustarla.
They're trying to discredit you. They're trying to scare you.
Debería ser fácil desacreditarla.
It should be easy enough to discredit her.
—Me interesaba sacarlo a la luz y desacreditarlo.
I wanted to discredit it.
Gerry trató de desacreditarlo.
Gerry saw to it that you were discredited.
Posiblemente, para desacreditarla a usted como testigo.
Possibly to discredit you as a witness.
Moozh no se conformará con desacreditarla.
It won't be enough for Moozh just to discredit her.
Primero hay que desacreditarlo, y eso no ha tenido lugar todavía.
He must be discredited first, and that has not happened.
¿Asesinar a Alia? ¿Por qué? Sería mucho más fácil desacreditarla.
Alia? Why? They could discredit her too easily.
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