Käännös "dentro de pocos" englanti
Dentro de pocos
Dentro de pocos años terminarán la red vial básica.
Within a few years they would complete the basic road network.
Este proceso está avanzado y probablemente será completado dentro de pocos meses.
This process is well under way and is likely to be completed within a few months.
Dentro de pocas horas, yo mismo estaré en Oslo encabezando nuestra delegación.
Within a few hours I myself will be in Oslo heading our delegation.
De no ser así corre el riesgo de convertirse en otro instrumento inútil que habrá que reemplazar dentro de pocos años.
If it did not, it risked becoming another white elephant that would have to be replaced within a few years.
Dentro de pocos días ese Parlamento dará vida jurídica a ese documento histórico que ya ha sido aprobado en una reunión plenaria del foro de negociación multipartidista.
Within a few days, that parliament will give legal force to that historic document, which has already been approved at a plenary meeting of the multi-party negotiating forum.
El Sr. Kerma (Argelia) dice que dentro de pocas semanas comenzará un nuevo siglo y, simultáneamente, se celebrará el final del Decenio de las Naciones Unidas para el Derecho Internacional.
70. Mr. Kerma (Algeria) said that within a few weeks the new century would begin, coinciding with the closure of the United Nations Decade of International Law.
Ya ha llegado a 151 y esperamos tener cobertura en todos dentro de pocas semanas.
That number has been reduced to 151, and we hope to extend coverage to all the municipalities within a few weeks.
Sin embargo, en esos momentos se estaba terminando un esbozo anotado que se distribuiría dentro de pocos meses para ser comentado.
However, an annotated outline was currently being finalized and would be circulated for comments within a few months.
No es un éxito de poca monta el que se haya logrado la capacidad para desmantelar el apartheid, echar las bases de una nueva constitución por consenso y ponerse de acuerdo sobre una fecha para celebrar elecciones dentro de pocos años.
The capacity to dismantle apartheid, establish the basis of a new constitution by consensus, and agree on an election date within a few years is no mean achievement.
De seguir esta tendencia, cada resolución anual sobre los océanos y el derecho del mar tendrá, dentro de pocos años, una extensión mayor que la propia Convención.
If the trend continues, the annual resolutions on oceans and law of the sea will, within a few years, become longer than the Convention itself.
Que dentro de pocos minutos vamos a llenar sus bolsillos para siempre.
That within a few minutes, We will fill up his pockets forever.
Sí, dentro de pocas horas.
Yes, uh, within a few hours.
Dentro de pocas semanas las colinas de 5 colores, estarán cubiertas de nieve, traídas por los fríos vientos de Siberia.
Within a few short weeks, the Five Coloured Hills are blanketed in snow, driven by icy winds from Siberia.
Dentro de pocas horas, los diarios publicarán la historia de que el criminal Jean Picard ha dejado de existir.
Within a few hours, every paper in France will print the story that the criminal, Jean Picard, has ceased to exist.
Lo tendremos en una supercomputadora dentro de pocos años.
We'll have that in a supercomputer actually within a few years.
Dentro de pocos minutos, estarán ya sea muertos o vivos.
Within a few minutes, they will either be dead or alive.
Dentro de pocos años, tu seras historia.
Within a few years you're history.
Dentro de pocos días, algunos de los hombre que habían llegado sanos al campo, habían muerto.
Within a few days, some of the men who had gone healthy into the camps were dead.
Dentro de pocos meses —me promete.
Within a few months,” he promises.
—Lo arreglaré. Dentro de pocos días, sin duda.
“I’ll arrange it. Within a few days, certainly.
Dentro de pocas horas necesitará nutrición.
He will need nutrition within a few hours.
Dentro de pocos segundos nos volveremos a ver en el cielo.
Within a few seconds we will meet again in heaven.
Todos moriremos dentro de pocas horas, de cualquier modo.
“We’re all going to die within a few hours anyway.
dentro de pocos instantes el Gavilán estará aquí a recogernos.
within a few moments the Gavilán will be here to pick us up.
—Por supuesto, dentro de pocas horas esa paloma llegará a su destino.
Assuredly, within a few hours of that pigeon reaching home.
—De ser así sufrirá de diarrea dentro de pocas horas.
“If it is, he’ll have diarrhea starting within a few hours.
Dentro de pocos minutos, el patio encandilado de Sanborns sería un horno.
Within a few minutes, the dazzling patio of Sanborns would be an oven.
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