Käännös "culpar a sí mismo" englanti
Estoy segura de que no hubiese querido que se culpara a sí mismo de lo que pasó.
Surely she would not wish you to blame yourself for what happened.
—El profesor sonaba como si se culpara a sí mismo—.
The professor sounded as if he blamed himself.
Negará lo ocurrido y luego se culpará a sí mismo.
He’ll deny it happened, then he’ll blame himself for it.
Y todo era cierto. No dijo nada de que Danny también se culpara a sí mismo—.
Everything she said was true. She didn’t add that Danny also blamed himself.
Se esperaba que su marido se culpara a sí mismo por no haberle dado a Angela una vida mejor.
She had expected her husband to blame himself for not giving Angela a better life.
Si es de carácter impaciente, exclamará que los críticos que le dicen que la novela que está leyendo es una obra maestra son una caterva de tontos, y si es modesto se culpará a sí mismo y pensará que está por encima de su nivel;
If he is of an impatient temper, he will cry that the critics who tell him that the novel he is reading is a masterpiece are a set of fools, and if he is of a modest one, he will blame himself and think that it is above his head and not for the likes of him;
Parecía que hubiera envejecido varias décadas en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Tal vez se culpará a sí mismo por haber permitido que sus emociones se interpusieran a la disciplina. Resultaba evidente que Lin Yun había sido su alumna más preciada.
He looked like he had aged considerably in the blink of an eye, perhaps blaming himself for allowing emotion to trump reason, for it was clear to all now that Lin Yun had been his most prized student.
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