Käännös "cuatro eran" englanti
Cuatro eran
Cuatro de las víctimas eran mujeres y cuatro niños.
Four of these were women and four were children.
Los cuatro eran bien conocido por las autoridades lituanas ...
All four were well known to the Lithuanian authorities...
Una era una chica de preparatoria, dos eran meseras, tres eran fugitivas y cuatro eran prostitutas.
One was a high school girl. Two were waitresses.Three had been runaways. And four were prostitutes.
Los cuatro eran prisioneros modelos.
All four were model prisoners.
Los cuatro eran ingenieros.
All four were engineers.
Esos cuatro eran los objetivos.
Those four were the targets.
Simón no tenía oficio y los otros cuatro eran pescadores.
Simon the Zealot had no profession. The other four were fishermen.
Cuatro eran los Ramones y cinco eran los de Blondie.
Four were the Ramones and five were the people in Blondie.
Pero los otros cuatro eran sus amigos.
But the other four were his friends.
Cuatro fueron heridos y cuatro se rindieron.
Four were wounded and four surrendered.
Los otros cuatro eran gaje.
The other four were Gaje.
Los cuatro eran negativos.
All four were negative.
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