Käännös "confirmarla" englanti
El Emir puede confirmarla, conmutar la pena o indultar al condenado.
The Emir could confirm, commute or pardon.
La delegación alemana podrá sin duda confirmarlo.
However, he asked the German delegation for confirmation.
Ahora bien, esto hay que confirmarlo con medidas biológicas).
However, this needs to be confirmed by biological measures).
Si la aceptación se hace oralmente, es aconsejable confirmarla por escrito
If the acceptance is made orally, it is advisable that it be confirmed in writing.
La MONUC no ha podido confirmarlo.
MONUC is unable to confirm this.
La Secretaría puede confirmarlo.
The Secretariat stands ready to confirm this.
La MINUSMA no ha podido confirmarlas.
MINUSMA has been unable to confirm them.
Sin embargo, las investigaciones no pudieron confirmarlas.
However, investigations could not confirm these allegations.
Es necesario confirmarlas usando otros principios y procedimientos.
It is necessary to confirm the doubts based on still other principles and procedures.
Tendré que confirmarlo.
I’ll have to confirm it.”
Eso bastaba para confirmarlo.
That was confirmation enough.
Hay formas de confirmarlo.
There are ways to confirm it.
esto parecía confirmarlo.
this seemed to confirm it.
Queríamos confirmarlo y tú lo hiciste.
We wanted it confirmed; you confirmed it.
Si podemos confirmarlo, entonces… —Podemos. Confirmarlo, digo.
If we can confirm it, we—” “We can. Confirm it, I mean.
Todos pueden confirmarlo.
Anyone can confirm this.
Aproximándome para confirmarlo.
Approaching to confirm.
Acabamos de confirmarlo.
Just got confirmation.
¿Confirmarlo o negarlo?
Confirm or deny.
¿Alguien puede confirmarlo?
Anyone confirm that?
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