Käännös "como si fueras" englanti
Como si fueras
Ni aceptamos ni aceptaremos que ustedes tengan derecho a gobernarnos, a elaborar leyes para nosotros sin contar con nuestra opinión, a tratarnos a nosotros como si fuesen nuestros amos y a nuestro país como si fuese de su propiedad.
We do not now and will not in future, recognize your right to govern us, to make laws for us, in which we had no say, to treat our country as if it was your property and us as if you were our masters.
Me pregunto si no sería mejor que usted planteara la cuestión oficialmente a la Conferencia y preguntara si hay alguna objeción a lo que usted propone.
Would it not be better if you were now simply to put formally to the Conference the question whether there is any objection to what you are proposing?
—¿Si era usted frígida? —Si.
"If you were frigid?" "Yes.
as if you
Si te gusta o si no.
You like it or you don’t like it.
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