Käännös "como guiado" englanti
Como guiado
Misiles guiados
Guided missiles
Visitas guiadas
Guided tours
—Él te ha guiado. Te ha guiado hasta mí —afirmó Achmed—.
“He has guided you. He has guided you to me,” Achmed said firmly.
—Hasta la cual lo he guiado yo.
“To which I guided you.”
Ellos no le habían guiado.
These were not what had guided him.
—¡Zhakrin me ha guiado!
“Zhakrin guided me!”
Guiados por un cable.
Guided by a cable in the roadway.
La Luz lo había guiado.
The Light itself guided him.
Él ha guiado a Uliet.
He has guided Uliet.
El jabalí lo ha guiado, y a nosotros.
The boar guided him, and us.
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