Käännös "colocado frente" englanti
Colocado frente
Cuando el ataque a Bujumbura en julio y durante la represión ulterior, parece que se utilizaron como soldados a niños sin experiencia, que fueron colocados frente a gente armada sin llevar armas ellos mismos y acabaron siendo ejecutados y muertos de manera deliberada y arbitraria.
71. During the attack on Bujumbura in July and the repression that followed it, inexperienced children appear to have been used as soldiers, placed in front of weapons without being armed and even executed and murdered in a deliberate and arbitrary manner.
La piedra robada fue entonces colocada frente al edificio del Knesset israelí.
The stolen stone was then taken and placed in front of the Israeli Knesset building.
A las 4.00 horas se oyó una explosión en la zona residencial de Hananu que al parecer fue causada por una granada de percusión colocada frente a la entrada de la vivienda de un civil, de nombre Mustafá Mustafá bin Muhammad.
55. At 0400 hours, an explosion was heard in the Hannanu housing area that appeared to have been caused by a sound bomb that had been placed in front of the entrance to the house of a civilian, Mustafa Mustafa bin Muhammad.
Se decidió a seguir su paseo, extrañamente colocado frente a la madrugada.
He decided to continue his walk, strangely placed in front of the dawn.
Les indicó que se sentaran en las tres sillas que había colocado frente a su escritorio.
He motioned for them to sit at the three chairs he had placed in front of his desk.
Mi atención titubeaba, era como si en realidad se hubiese colocado frente a mis ojos una luz que se iba apagando.
It was as if a light was actually placed in front of my eyes, and was being dimmed.
Antonia se apartó, detenida por el sofá que Bray había colocado frente a la puerta.
Antonia broke away, stopped by the overstuffed sofa Bray had placed in front of the door.
Bogomolov clavó la vista en la fotografía que Grushko había sacado de un expediente y colocado frente a él.
Bogomolov stared at the photograph Grushko had removed from the file and placed in front of him.
La silla estaba colocada frente a una ventana que daba a la calle como para que el abuelo contemplase el mundo.
The chair was placed in front of a window that looked out onto the street, as though to allow the grandfather to contemplate the world.
Media docena de sillones habían sido colocados frente al estrado del conferenciante y eran blanco de codiciosas miradas.
Half a dozen armchairs had been placed in front of the speaker’s dais, and were the targets of many covetous eyes.
Nos sentamos en el suelo, uno frente al otro, y nos servimos frijoles y carne de una olla que él había colocado frente a nosotros.
We sat down on the floor opposite each other, and served ourselves some beans and meat from a pot that he had placed in front of us.
De este modo, Khadgar se había dejado guiar hasta aquella estancia y había comido obedientemente el plato de guiso que alguien había colocado frente a él.
It was sound advice, and so Khadgar had let himself be led over here and had dutifully eaten the bowl of stew someone had placed in front of him.
Ella y Sophia estaban sentadas en sendas sillas colocadas frente a un muro de piedra cubierto de espléndidas rosas que florecían con fuerza bajo el cálido sol del verano.
She and Sophia sat on chairs that had been placed in front of a stone boundary wall covered with spilling roses that bloomed fiercely in the heat of high summer.
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