Käännös "cita previa" englanti
Cita previa
Samankaltaiset kontekstilausekkeet
Es necesaria una cita previa.
An appointment is necessary.
No hace falta cita previa.
No appointment necessary.
Y, para colmo, sin cita previa.
Not to mention showing up without an appointment.
And beneath it, BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.
–Pero nadie le ve sin cita previa
But no one sees him without an appoint-
No tienen cita previa. —Tinbane —repitió.
They have no appointment.” “Tinbane,” he echoed.
No tiene cita previa, pero insiste en que es importante.
He doesn’t have an appointment but he insists that it’s important.”
—preguntó—. Normalmente no recibo sin cita previa. —No estoy citado, pero es algo urgente.
“Normally I require an appointment.” “I have no appointment, but the matter is urgent.”
Siempre es mejor aparecer con cita previa. —Sí.
It's always best to turn up here with an appointment. 'Yes.
previous appointment
Tenia una cita previa y se prolongó.
- Previous appointment ran a little over.
Bien, trabajo hasta las 5:00, tuve que ir a casa a cambiarme... y tenía una cita previa.
Well, I work until 5:00. Had to go home and change, and I had a previous appointment.
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