Käännös "charlar con" englanti
El autor añadió que, después de presentar sus quejas, lo solían llevar a "charlar" con el jefe adjunto de la 29ª comisaría de policía, apodado "rompehuesos", y lo golpeaban para "calmarlo".
The author added that after his complaints he would be taken for a "talk" with the deputy head of the 29th police division nicknamed "bone-breaker" and beaten up to "calm him down".
La mayoría de los consejeros de clase destinan horas especiales a charlar con los alumnos acerca de lo que les interesa.
Most classroom teachers set aside special hours for talks with students about their concerns.
Varios cantones han establecido programas para sensibilizar a los estudiantes, que incluyen la visita a las clases de asociaciones especializadas en estos temas para explicar a los niños en términos concretos los riesgos asociados a Internet y los comportamientos que deben evitar, como charlar en línea con desconocidos.
In several cantons, programmes have been set up to increase pupils' awareness; they include, in particular, visits by members of associations specializing in these questions to schools to explain specifically to children the risks inherent in the Internet and things they should not do, such as talking online to an unknown person.
El Experto independiente tuvo la oportunidad de charlar con el Coordinador Residente y de Asuntos Humanitarios de las Naciones Unidas para Somalia, Mark Bowden, quien le puso al día de las novedades de los seis meses anteriores.
The independent expert benefited from his talks with the United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia, Mark Bowden, who briefed him on developments in the previous six months.
El sustantivo papiamento procede del verbo "papiar" (charlar) que probablemente viene del antiguo portugués "papear".
The name Papiamento is derived from the verb "papia" (talk) which probably comes from the old Portuguese "papear".
Aprendan a ver en lugar de mirar tontamente, actúen en lugar de charlar ¡Y piensen que una vez eso estuvo por dominar el mundo!
Quiero charlar con ìl.
I wanna have a little talk with him.
¿Has podido charlar con mami?
Did you have your little talk with Mummy?
Quiero charlar... con mi sobrino favorito.
I'm trying to have a nice talk with my favorite nephew.
Quería charlar con usted.
I just wanted to have a little talk with you.
Quisiera charlar con usted.
I'd, uh, I'd like to have a talk With him.
- A charlar con los nirianos.
To have a talk with the Nyrians.
Red, necesitas charlar con Bud.
Red, you need to have a talk with Bud.
fui a charlar con Be...
I came to talk with Be ...
¿A charlar con quién?
Talk with who? !
Iremos a charlar con este pastor.
We'll go and have a talk with this shepherd.
Se ponen a charlar.
They start talking.
Y empezaron a charlar.
And they grew talkative.
Era fascinante charlar con él.
He was fascinating to talk to.
Se sentaron a charlar.
They sat down to talk.
—Me gustaría charlar —dijo Jena—. ¿Podemos charlar un rato, antes?
“I’d like to talk,” Jena said. “Can we talk for a little first?”
Y le encantaba charlar con él.
She loved talking to him.
Sería esencial charlar un poco.
It would be essential to talk awhile.
Les he oído charlar.
I’ve heard them talking.”
Charlar es mucho más divertido.
Talking is much more fun.
—Creo que tú y Andy solo necesitáis sentaros y charlar.
I think you and Andy just need to sit down and rap.
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