Käännös "cacarear a las" englanti
Cacarear a las
  • cluck at
  • cacarear to
Samankaltaiset kontekstilausekkeet
cluck at
Las gallinas empezaron a cacarear en el gallinero.
The hens clucked in the hen-yard.
Las gallinas empezaron a cacarear y a revolotear por el susto.
Chickens clucked and fluttered overtop one another in alarm.
Con la cabeza descubierta —aquel sol era cálido y amable, como un viejo amigo—, Elsa pasó junto al gallinero y oyó cacarear a las gallinas.
Not bothering with a sun hat—it was warm and kind, this sun, like an old friend—she walked past the chicken coop, heard them clucking.
Iban en una jaula grande, tapada, y cuando los susurros estaban a punto de alcanzar un tono furibundo, el funcionario se puso a cacarear, arrullar y hablar sosegadamente a la jaula.
They were in a large covered cage, and when the rustles appeared to be reaching a pitch of frenzy the officer clucked and cooed and spoke soothingly to the cage.
Una de las gallinas encerradas en la cueva empezó a cacarear y Nora se dijo que debía de haber puesto un huevo. —¿Has oído? —preguntó uno de los excursionistas—.
One of the hens in the cave began to cluck loudly. Nora thought it must have laid an egg. “Do you hear that noise?” said one of the trippers.
Tan solo quedaban unas pocas gallinas famélicas demasiado acaloradas, exhaustas y hambrientas para cacarear cuando Loreda pasó a su lado, y dos vacas que apenas se mantenían en pie.
All they had left were a few bony chickens too hot and tired and hungry to cluck at her passing and two cows who were barely still standing.
¿Y los hados? Corren los lobizones sus desatinos por las encrucijadas, mal sino que les viene, señores míos, de no sé qué misterios, son hechicerías, que un día de la semana abandonan sus casas y en la primera cruz del camino se desnudan y se tiran al suelo, se revuelcan, transformándose en la causa del rastro que por allí haya, Cualquier rastro, o sólo de animal mamífero, Cualquier rastro, señor mío, hasta hubo un hombre que se convirtió en rueda de carro, andaba por ahí girando, girando, una agonía, pero lo normal es convertirse en bestia, como fue el muy sabido y verdadero caso de aquel hombre, no recuerdo cómo se llamaba, que vivía con la mujer en el Monte do Curral da Légua cerca de Pedra Grande, y su hechizo era salir las noches de los martes, pero ése sabía ya de su condición y por eso avisaba a la mujer que no abriese la puerta mientras él anduviese por fuera, oyese lo que oyese, y entonces eran gritos y gruñidos que helaban la sangre a un cristiano, no había quien durmiera, pero una vez la mujer hizo de tripas corazón, que las mujeres son curiosas, todo lo quieren averiguar, y decidió abrir la puerta, Qué fue lo que allí vio, Ay Jesús, vio ante ella un enorme marrano, como un verraco semental, con una cabezorra así, de este tamaño, y va y se tira contra ella como un león para dÉvorarla, menos mal que pudo cerrar la puerta, pero no tan de prisa que el marrano no pudiera arrancarle un pedazo de saya de un bocado, imaginen el horror de la pobre mujer cuando el marido volvió a casa, ya de madrugada, con el pedazo de paño en la boca, menos mal que todo quedó explicado, le dijo él que cuando salía se convertía en un animal, y aquella vez le tocó transformarse en marrano, y que podía haberle hecho mucho daño, que otra vez no abriera la puerta, que él no podía responder de sí, Gran caso este, La mujer fue a hablar con los suegros, que se quedaron muy molestos porque un hijo suyo se hubiera convertido en hombre lobo, no había otro en la familia, y entonces intentaron que una virtuosa del pueblo hiciese rezos y los conjuros propios de estos accidentes y dijo que le quemaran la gorra cuando estuviera de lobizón, santo remedio, se la quemaron y nunca más le volvió el mal, Sería porque siendo mal de cabeza se curaba quemándole el sombrero, Eso no lo sé, que la mujer no lo dijo, pero voy a contarle otro caso, aquí muy cerca de Ciborro vivía hace tiempo un matrimonio en una casa, siempre la cosa va de matrimonios, por qué será, éstos criaban gallinas y otros animales, y por las noches el marido, éste era todas las noches, se levantaba, salía al corral y empezaba a cacarear, imagine qué idea, cuando la mujer lo acechaba desde el postigo lo veía transformado en una gallina enorme, Del tamaño del cerdo, Ah, usted no lo cree, pues oiga lo que queda, este matrimonio tenía una hija y como la hija iba a casarse, mataron muchas gallinas para la boda, era su riqueza, pero aquella noche la mujer no oyó levantarse al marido ni lo oyó cacarear, ni podía imaginar qué había pasado, el hombre se fue al sitio donde había matado las gallinas, cogió un cuchillo, se arrodilló junto a un barreño y se clavó el cuchillo en el pescuezo, allí se quedó, y cuando la mujer vio la cama vacía y fue en busca del marido, lo encontró ya sin vida y con la sangre saliendo a borbotones, son los hados, es lo que le digo.
For some reason werewolves are drawn to crossroads, the poor wretches, not that I claim to understand such mysteries, dear reader, it’s as if they were under an evil spell, but on a particular day of the week, they leave their houses and at the first crossroads they come to, they take off their clothes, throw themselves on the ground, roll around in the dust, and are transformed into whatever animal has left its trail there, You mean any trail, or only the trail left by a mammal, Any trail, sir, once, a man was transformed into a cartwheel, and he went spinning and spinning along, it was terrible, but it’s more common for them to be changed into animals, as was the case with a man, whose name I can’t now recall, who lived with his wife in Monte do Curral da Légua, near Pedra Grande, and his fate was to go out every Tuesday night, but he knew what would happen, and so he warned his wife never to open the door when he was outside, no matter what noises she heard, because he uttered cries and howls that would freeze the blood of any Christian, no one could sleep a wink, but one night, his wife screwed up her courage, because women are very curious and always want to know everything, and resolved to open the door. And what did she see, oh dear God, she saw before her a huge pig, like a rampant boar, with a head this size, this big, and it hurled itself at her like a lion ready to devour her, but luckily she managed to slam the door shut, although not before the pig had bitten off a piece of her skirt, and imagine her horror when her husband returned home at dawn with that same piece of cloth still in his mouth, but at least it gave him an opportunity to explain that whenever he went out on Tuesday nights, he was changed into an animal, and that night he had been a pig, and he could have done her real harm, so next time she must on no account open the door, because he couldn’t answer for his actions, How dreadful, Anyway, his wife went to speak to her in-laws, who were most upset to learn that their son had become a werewolf, because there weren’t any others in the family, and so they went to a holy woman who recited the prayers of exorcism appropriate to such cases, and she told them that the next time he was changed into a werewolf, they must burn his hat, and then it would never happen again, and this proved to be a sovereign remedy, because they burned his hat and he was cured, Do you think burning his hat cured him because the sickness was in his head, I have no idea, the woman never said, but let me tell you of another, similar case, a man and his wife lived on a farm near Ciborro, why these things only happen between couples, I don’t know, where they raised chickens and other livestock, and every night, because it happened every night, her husband would get out of bed, go into the garden and start clucking, can you imagine, and when his wife peered around the door, she saw that he had been turned into a huge chicken, What, the same size as that pig, You may laugh, but just hear me out, this couple had a daughter, and when their daughter was about to get married, they killed a lot of chickens for the wedding feast, because that was what they had most of, but that night, the wife didn’t hear her husband get out of bed or hear him clucking, and you’ll never guess what happened, the man went to the place where the chickens had been killed, picked up a knife, knelt down by a bowl, and stuck the knife in his own throat, and there he stayed until his wife woke to find the bed empty, went in search of her husband and found him dead in a great pool of blood, you see, like I said, it’s the fates.
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