Käännös "banco cerca" englanti
Banco cerca
  • bank near
  • bench near
bank near
Tres hombres irán armados, van a entrar al banco cerca de la hora del cierre.
Three men go to come in the bank near closing time.
Quizás estabas lo suficientemente desesperado como para robar bancos cerca de donde solías estacionar el camión.
- Maybe you were desperate enough to rob banks Near where you used to park the truck.
Estoy buscando bancos cerca de Huntsville que todavía las utilicen.
I'm looking into banks near Huntsville that still use them.
Portinari escribiría una carta a sus amigos que tenían un banco cerca de la batalla, y ellos harían aparición, en el lugar, con bolsas llenas de plata;
Portinari would write a letter to his friends who had a bank near the battle, and they would turn up, on the spot, with bags full of loot;
En un banco cerca de Crystal Falls.
In a bank near Crystal Falls.
Fotos de seguridad del banco cerca de donde Tara desapareció.
Security pictures from the bank near where Tara went missing.
Buena suerte encontrando un banco cerca de aquí con dos millones de dólares americanos en pequeñas denominaciones.
Good luck finding a bank near here with two million American dollars in small bills.
Elal debió haber mencionado un viejo banco cerca de Kane Sound.
She may have mentioned an old bank near Kane Sound.
«Tran guardaba su tesoro en un banco cerca de su casa», pensó.
Tran would keep his treasure at a bank near his home, he thought.
El dolor de la pierna de Kaz era terrible, lo peor que había sentido desde que se la rompió al caer del tejado de un banco cerca de la Geldstraat.
The pain in Kaz’s leg was terrible, the worst it had been since he’d first broken it falling off the roof of a bank near the Geldstraat.
Dijo que se encontraba en el país buscando oportunidades de negocios, ya que era comerciante de frutos secos, y que estaba en un banco cerca de la embajada cuando se produjo el «accidente».
He said he was in the country researching business opportunities—he was a nut merchant—and that he had stopped at a bank near the embassy when the “accident” happened.
bench near
Se descubrió una segunda bomba en un banco cerca del cual se había detenido el autobús.
A second bomb was discovered on a bench near which the bus had stopped.
- En una banca cerca de la reserva.
- Sitting on a bench near the reservoir.
Pueden lavarse en la banca cerca de la cocina... y sigan la vereda por atrás para lo demás.
You can wash at the bench near the kitchen door and follow the path around the back for the other things.
Él estaba durmiendo en un banco cerca de la escena del crimen.
He was sleeping it off on a bench near the crime scene.
Se sentaron en un banco cerca del quiosco de música.
They sat on a bench near the bandstand.
y me senté en un banco cerca del chamizo del guardaagujas.
and sat on a bench near the switchman's shack.
Vi un banco cerca del bordillo y me senté.
There was a bench near the curb and I took a seat.
Caleb había esperado, sentado en un banco, cerca de las escaleras.
Caleb had waited, sitting on a Shaker bench near the stairs.
Se reunieron alrededor de un banco cerca de la salida de urgencias y esperaron.
They huddled around a bench near the emergency exit and waited.
Myra y Harry flirteaban en un banco cerca de la piscina de adorno.
Myra and Harry flirting on a bench near the ornamental pool.
Están acurrucados en un banco cerca del círculo del disco de Imagine.
They sit together, huddled close, on a bench near the lip of the Imagine disk.
Se sentaron en un banco, cerca del arenero donde jugaban unos niños.
They sat down on a bench, near a sandbox where children were playing.
Maria buscó un banco cerca de la caja 674 y se sentó.
She found a bench near Box 674 and sat down.
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