Käännös "alto de estatura" englanti
Alto de estatura
Era alto de estatura y valiente de corazón.
He was tall in stature, and valiant of heart.
—Peso medio, pero más bien alto de estatura.
Average weight, but a little on the tall side.
Iba vestido de negro, como para asistir a un funeral, con un pañuelo blanco en la garganta, y era alto de estatura.
He was clad in funeral black with a white scarf at his throat and he was tall.
Aunque no era alto de estatura, su ojo inquieto y su rápida inteligencia parecían subyugar enseguida a cualquier grupo al que se uniera.
Though not tall of stature, his restless eye and quick intelligence soon seemed to dominate any group he joined.
Era un hombre de treinta y cinco o treinta y seis años, alto de estatura, bastante delgado, de color pálido y la faz cuidadosamente afeitada.
He was a man of about thirty-five or thirty-six, of tall stature, very thin, pale in color and carefully shaved face.
Se internaron a tientas a través de algunos corredores, todos estrechos, y tan bajos, que Wassili, que era alto de estatura, a veces tocaba la bóveda con su gorro de piel a la cosaca;
They groped their way through a few corridors, all narrow, and so short that Wassili, who was tall in stature, sometimes touched the vault with his fur cap to the Cossack;
Era un hombre que podía tener unos cuarenta años, de figura noble y arrogante, alto de estatura, sin que lo afease cierta ligera obesidad, de pelo rubio, frente tersa y sin señal de arrugas en las sienes, rostro más bien pálido que sonrosado, dentadura magnífica.
He appeared to be a man about forty years of age, with fine, handsome features, and a tall, well-shaped figure; his hair and whiskers were light, his forehead compact and unwrinkled, his face rather pale, his teeth magnificent.
Marc Hawthorne era, en muchos aspectos, el eterno hermano menor, algo más alto de estatura que el alto Tyrell, bastante más delgado -enjuto, para ser precisos- y con un rostro de apariencia familiar, pero desprovisto de las facciones angulosas y de los ojos de mirada inexpresiva de su hermano mayor, que le aventajaba en experiencia.
Marc Hawthorne was in several respects the eternal younger brother, slightly taller than the tall Tyrell, quite a bit more slender-very thin to be precise-and with a face 56 RoBERT LUDLUM similar in appearance but without the crow's-feet or the neutral eyes of his older, more experienced brother.
tall in stature
Aunque no era alto de estatura, su ojo inquieto y su rápida inteligencia parecían subyugar enseguida a cualquier grupo al que se uniera.
Though not tall of stature, his restless eye and quick intelligence soon seemed to dominate any group he joined.
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