Käännös "alimentos no perecederos" englanti
Alimentos no perecederos
  • nonperishable food
nonperishable food
Una de las piedras angulares del movimiento es su llamamiento anual para que la sociedad en general participe en el esfuerzo "Navidad sin Hambre", que en 2001 distribuyó 4.000 t de alimentos no perecederos en todo el Brasil.
One of the cornerstones of the movement is its annual call for society at large to participate in the "Christmas without Hunger" effort, which in 2001 distributed 4,000 tons of nonperishable food throughout Brazil.
Sobre estantes metálicos había alimentos no perecederos y otros artículos como velas, pilas y papel higiénico.
Nonperishable food and other necessities like candles, batteries, and toilet paper, were organized on commercial metal shelving.
La labor de Sartén consistió en sacar los alimentos no perecederos de la cocina y guardarlos en la Finca, en caso de que quedaran atrapados allí. Imaginó lo horrible que sería una situación semejante.
Frypan’s task was to take all the nonperishable food out of the kitchen and store it in the Homestead, in case they got trapped there—Thomas could only imagine how horrible that’d be.
Se cubrían todos los muebles con sábanas de lino, se llenaban las despensas con toda clase de alimento no perecedero, se cerraban todos los postigos, excepto los orientados al sur, se enrollaban las alfombras, se descolgaban los cuadros de las paredes, apoyándolos en el suelo (había una razón, pero se perdió), se dejaban descargar los relojes, se ponían flores amarillas en todos los floreros, se preparaba la mesa como para un desayuno de veinticinco personas, se quitaban las ruedas a todo lo que tenía ruedas y se tiraba toda la ropa que, durante el último año, no se hubiera llevado al menos una vez.
All the furniture was covered with linen sheets, the pantries were filled with every nonperishable food item, the shutters were half closed, except those facing south; the carpets were rolled up, the paintings were taken off the walls and placed on the floor (there was a reason but it had been lost), the clocks were allowed to wind down, yellow flowers were placed in every vase, the table was set for a breakfast for twenty-five people, the wheels were taken off everything that had wheels, and all the garments that, in the course of the past year, had not been worn at least once were thrown away.
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