Käännös "acto con honor" englanti
Acto con honor
  • act with honor
act with honor
Dar a los Aiel una exención de su precio, si en realidad era ésa su intención, era un acto de honor.
To give the Aiel an exemption from his price—if, indeed, that was what he intended—was an act of honor.
—Cuando el robo se comete a la luz del día, sancionado por la ley, como ocurre en nuestros tiempos, todo acto de honor o de restitución ha de quedar oculto.
When robbery is done in open daylight by sanction of the law, as it is done today, then any act of honor or restitution has to be hidden underground.
Los mismos que inventaron la patraña de que había vendido la guerra por un aposento cuyas paredes estaban construidas con ladrillos de oro, definieron la tentativa de suicidio como un acto de honor, y lo proclamaron mártir.
The same people who invented the story that he had sold the war for a room with walls made of gold bricks defined the attempt at suicide as an act of honor and proclaimed him a martyr.
Su deseo de conservar los derechos al mismo y de ser el único que pudiera venderlo había constituido su forma de respeto hacia el prójimo; su creencia de que comerciar con él significaba un acto de honor.
His desire to hold his right to it and proudly to be the only one to sell it, had been his form of respect for his fellow men, his belief that to trade with them was an act of honor.
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