Käännös "were eating" venäjän
Samankaltaiset kontekstilausekkeet
We had not food and were eating only wild leaves and wild fruit ...
У нас не было еды, и мы ели только дикую листву и дикие фрукты...
They were eating the tree.
Они ели дерево.
You were eating standing up.
Вы ели стоя.
We were eating lobster for lunch.
- Мы ели лобстеров.
They were eating each other.
Они ели друг друга.
- We were eating Thai food.
- Мы ели тайскую еду.
If they were eating corn, you're gonna have to harvest that corn, transport that corn, then you're gonna have to haul all that manure somewhere that comes out the back end.
Если бы они питались кукурузой, тебе бы пришлось вырастить ее, привезти, потом тебе нужно будет выловить весь этот навоз куда нибудь который выходит вконце
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