Käännös "were expelled" suomalainen
Were expelled
The rest were expelled from their land.
Loput karkotettiin maastaan.
those who were expelled from their homes and their property,
jotka karkotettiin kodeistaan ja heidän omaisuutensa,
And those who emigrated, and were expelled from their houses,
Ja ne, jotka muuttivat, ja karkotettiin kodeistaan,
to the poor emigrants who were expelled from their homes and their possessions,
köyhille emigrantista karkotettiin kodeistaan ja heidän omaisuuttaan,
He was forced to leave Chile in 1768 when the Jesuits were expelled.
Hän joutui lähtemään Chilestä vuonna 1768, jolloin jesuiitat karkotettiin Espanjaan.
The Biarmian got this name as they were expelled to mountains, northern area.
Biarmian sai tämän nimen koska he karkotettiin vuoria, pohjoisella alueella.
Once Adam and Eve violated the Lord's commandment and were expelled from paradise.
Kun Aadam ja Eeva rikkoivat Herran käskyä ja heidät karkotettiin paratiisista.
They succeeded, but, strange to say, they were expelled for it from Geneva.
Se heille onnistuikin, mutta kummallista kyllä karkotettiin heidät tuon teon vuoksi.
Beings who were expelled and long forgotten, throwing shadows of the past, thereby intruding into the present.
Olentoja, jotka karkotettiin ja jo unohtanut, heittää varjoja menneisyydestä, jolloin tunkeutuminen läsnä.
After the destruction of the Temple and the city of Jerusalem, the Jews were expelled from the Land of Israel.
Temppelin ja Jerusalemin tuhoamisen jälkeen juutalaiset karkotettiin pois Israelin maasta.
The inhabitants were expelled.
Tuolloin asukkaat karkotettiin.
Many were expelled or killed.
Osa juutalaisista karkotettiin tai tapettiin.
They were expelled again in 1622.
Heidät karkotettiin jälleen 1622.
The OPC missionaries were expelled from the country.
Ulkomaalaiset lähetyssaarnaajat karkotettiin maasta.
In 1880, the Jesuits were expelled from France.
Vuonna 1768 jesuiitat karkotettiin Maltalta.
A few years after the war, many Germans were expelled.
Sodan jälkeenkin useita liettualaisia karkotettiin.
Additionally, in September 1964, 10,000 Greeks were expelled.
Vuonna 1959 maasta karkotettiin 30 000 unkarilaista.
In 1917, many of them were expelled in the Bisbee Deportation.
Suurin osa heistä karkotettiin Saddam Husseinin aikana.
After World War II the Germans were expelled from Czechoslovakia.
Toisen maailmansodan jälkeen lähes kaikki saksalaiset karkotettiin Tšekkoslovakiasta.
As a result of the battle, the Arabs were expelled from Northern Transoxiana.
Rangaistuksena henkien suututtamisesta Tonraq karkotettiin Pohjoisesta vesiheimosta.
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