Käännös "poorhouses" suomalainen
In the late 1800s it was called Fattiggårdsvägen, referring to the local poorhouse that it led to.
1800-luvun lopulla sitä kutsuttiin Fattiggårdsvägeniksi, koska se johti köyhäintalolle.
The large business classes with their clerks, assistants, agents, and commercial travelers; the courts with their judges, record keepers, bailiffs, etc.; the legion of attorneys with their staffs; the militia and police forces; the churches and monasteries; the charity institutions and poorhouses; the prisons with their wardens, officers, keepers, and the non-productive convict population; the army of advertisers and their helpers, whose business it is to persuade you to buy what you don’t want or need, not to speak of the numerous elements that live luxuriously in entire idleness.
Laajat liiketalouden luokat kirjanpitäjineen, assistentteineen, agentteineen ja kauppamatkustajineen; oikeuslaitos tuomareineen, kirjureineen, haastemiehineen jne; asianajajien armeija henkilökuntineen; sotaväki ja poliisivoimat; kirkot ja luostarit; hyväntekeväisyyslaitokset ja köyhäintalot; vankilat vartijoineen, virkailijoineen ja tuottamattomine asukkeineen;
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