Käännös "the ismailis" saksan
Hindus were admitted in the late 1960s, and in the 1980s the better kind of Muslim – Bohra, Ismaili, college-educated.
Hindus wurden Ende der 1960er zugelassen und in den 1980ern dann die besseren Moslems – Bohras, Ismailis, Akademiker.
The Imam has often vented his rage upon the memory of the late Aga Khan, as a result of being shown the text of an interview in which the head of the Ismailis was observed drinking vintage champagne. O, sir, this champagne is only for outward show.
Der Imam hat schon oft seinen Zorn am Andenken des verstorbenen Aga Khan ausgelassen, wegen eines Zeitungsartikels, in dem das Oberhaupt der Ismailis dabei beobachtet wurde, wie er edlen Champagner trank.
The Aga Khan hospital, the best facility in Karachi, was free to all Ismailis but extremely expensive for non-Ismailis, which was fair enough, he thought.
Das Aga-Khan-Krankenhaus war das beste Krankenhaus in Karatschi und für alle Ismailiten umsonst, für alle Nicht-Ismailiten aber extrem teuer, was er ganz in Ordnung fand.
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