Käännös "were seven" ranskan
Were seven
They were seven monks.
Ces moines étaient sept.
There were seven of them with guns up against one mentally ill woman with a knife.
Ils étaient sept, et armés, contre une femme psychotique armée d'un couteau.
- There were seven of them, Sheriff.
- Ils étaient sept, shérif.
And there were seven of them and they were all Grimms.
Et ils étaient sept, tous des Grimm
Planned everything because we had no idea they were planning a joint funeral until late Monday evening when King and Cross Abernathy, Gardner, Smith there were seven of them Shuttlesworth, that came out.
Nous nous sommes occupés de tout, car nous ignorions qu'il y aurait des funérailles collectives, mais tard, lundi soir, King et Cross, Abernathy, Gardner, Smith... lls étaient sept.
Last night, there were seven men sitting at the base of those stairs playing stud poker.
Hier soir, ils étaient sept au pied de cet escalier, à jouer au poker.
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