Käännös "questions asked" ranskan
Questions asked
The Minister responded to questions asked by some members of the Council.
Le Ministre a répondu aux questions posées par certains membres du Conseil.
Many of the questions asked by the Committee remained unanswered.
Beaucoup de questions posées par le Comité sont restées sans réponse.
information about the questions asked by the Committee
des informations sur les questions posées par le Comité
That was the question asked by Mr. ElBaradei.
Telle est la question posée par M. AlBaradei.
[D1]: The information does not reply to the question asked.
[D1] : Les informations ne répondent pas à la question posée.
Questions asked to the UN/ECE secretariat
Questions posées au secrétariat de la CEE-ONU
If you have any questions, ask.
Si tu as des questions, pose-les.
You got questions, ask him yourself.
Si tu as des questions, pose-les à lui.
If you got a question, ask me.
Si tu as une question, pose-la.
You have any questions, ask me.
Si tu as des questions, pose-les moi.
Sweet salary, fat bonus, no questions asked.
Bon salaire, bonus important, pas de questions posées.
"to answer 'no comment' to all questions asked of me
"Pas de commentaire" aux questions posées,
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