Käännös "one dollar bills" ranskan
One dollar bills
Let's put Squeaky Fromme on the one-dollar bill.
Mettons Squeaky Fromme sur le billet d'un dollar.
Shit, man. I didn't know they had a college that only took one-dollar bills.
Je savais pas que la fac acceptait les billets d'un dollar.
Oh, it's only one-dollar bills, folks.
Des billets d'un dollar.
Why was the BAU called in? 8 one-dollar bills surrounding an 8 card.
Huit billets d'un dollar entourant une carte huit.
Taped to the bottom each of you will find a one dollar bill.
Dessous, chacun de vous trouvera un billet d'un dollar.
Now, will somebody hold up a one dollar bill?
Maintenant, quelqu'un veut détenir un billet d'un dollar?
Tassels. Shiny sequined tassels and one dollar bills.
Des paillettes et des billets d'un dollar.
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