Käännös "had agreed" ranskan
- We had agreed that you would...
- On avait convenu...
But we had agreed to do it like that.
Mais on avait convenu de faire comme ça.
I came back here late that night, just as We had agreed.
Tard dans la nuit, je suis revenu comme on en avait convenu.
I thought we had agreed to put these questions to rest, Bernard.
On avait convenu de mettre un terme à ces questions.
If his breakfast had agreed with him this morning, lad might have got off with a whipping.
Si son petit-déjeuner lui avait convenu ce matin, elle aurait pu s'en sortir avec des coups de fouet.
Mr Sénéchal had agreed to let us stay during manoeuvres.
M. Sénéchal avait accepté de nous héberger.
Your late father had agreed that he would marry you. It's a bad case.
Ton défunt père avait accepté qu'il t'épouse.
Crook had agreed to negotiate terms, but he intended a hard bargain.
Crook avait accepté de négocier, mais il allait marchander âprement.
When I sent you the cable, she had agreed to the divorce.
Quand je t'ai envoyé le télégramme, elle avait accepté.
What if we had agreed to bump off Musa?
Et si on avait accepté d'éliminer Musa?
Miranda had agreed to be fixed up on a blind date.
Miranda avait accepté un rendez-vous organisé.
Also the way he was shot seems to indicate that he had agreed, if necessary, to be eliminated by them.
La façon dont il a été tué semble indiquer qu'il avait accepté d'être au besoin éliminé par eux.
Naomi had agreed to provide information.
Naomi avait accepté de fournir l'information.
On our third formal rendezvous, I had asked for her hand in marriage and she had agreed.
A notre 3e rendez-vous officiel, je lui avais demandé sa main et elle avait accepté.
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