Käännös "continues and" ranskan
Continues and
Rhythm: continuous quick scintillating or continuous scintillating
Rythme : scintillant rapide continu, ou scintillant continu
- [Red Continues] ...and if you do succeed,
- [Red continue]...et si tu réussi...
My life continued and I followed the right path.
La vie a continué et j'ai choisi le droit chemin.
I'm gonna continue, and I'm gonna crush you!
Je vais continuer, et je vais vous écraser !
We could not continue and may be even greater.
On aurait pu continuer et devenir encore plus grand.
He says "Do you wanna continue?" and he says "Yeah."
Il dit "Vous voulez continuer?" et il dit "Oui."
336 continued, and then... - 338.
- 336 continue et là...
Continue, and with colors as well.
Continue, et avec des couleurs.
The Resistance continues and has sentenced you to death.
"La Resistance continue et t'a condamne a mort.
I continue and I did it, my work.
J'ai continué et j'ai fait mon travail.
The operation continues and grows.
L'opération continue et se développe.
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