Käännös "bothering him" ranskan
Nothing bothers him.
Rien ne le dérange.
It really bothers him?
Ça le dérange ?
He doesn't bother me. I seem to bother him.
C'est plutôt moi qui le tracasse.
Something's bothering him, What if you get crazy when we most need?
Quelque chose le tracasse.
i'm telling you, and there is something bothering him.
Je vais te dire, lui et moi avons un lien et ils y a un truc qui le tracasse.
No. Well, obviously something is bothering him, m'kay?
Apparemment, quelque chose le tracasse.
You don't think there's something bothering him, do you?
Il y a un truc qui le tracasse, hein ?
There is something bothering him.
Il y a quelque chose qui le tracasse.
What do you think's bothering him?
Qu'est-ce qui le tracasse ?
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