Käännös "was uninhabited" italialainen
They told us the ground was uninhabitable, but they were wrong, and we've been fighting for our lives since the moment we landed.
Ci avevano detto che la Terra era disabitata... ma si sbagliavano. Lottiamo per le nostre vite dal momento in cui siamo atterrati.
I thought you said this planet was uninhabited.
Credevo avessi detto che questo pianeta era disabitato
It was uninhabited, so we decided to establish a base there.
Era disabitato cosi' abbiamo deciso di stabilirvi una base.
They told us the ground was uninhabited.
Ci avevano detto che la Terra era disabitata...
You're saying that the planet was uninhabited 300 years ago?
Intende dire che il pianeta era disabitato 300 anni fa?
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