Käännös "that was left" italialainen
Trust me. Any shred of romance that was left in me was ground to a bloody pulp yesterday.
Credimi, ogni briciolo di romanticismo che era rimasto ieri e' stato ridotto ad una poltiglia sanguinolenta.
The rubble in the valley below was all that was left of what was once a great city.
La macerie nella valle sottostante era tutto cio' che era rimasto di quella che un tempo era una grande citta'.
A man found him bleeding and ran for help. When the cops finally got there all that was left was a bloodstain.
Un uomo l'ha trovato che sanguinava, e' andato a chiamare i soccorsi, ma quando finalmente e' arrivata la polizia tutto quello che era rimasto era una pozza di sangue.
And the chemicals released from volcanoes, including sulfur, mix with the water that was left and make things acidic, kind of like acid rain on Earth and that sort of thing.
E le sostanze chimiche rilasciate dai vulcani, zolfo incluso, mischiandosi con l'acqua che era rimasta... rendono tutto acido, come le piogge acide sulla Terra e cose simili.
add a u-c-c-e-s-s to that "s" that was left over, and you've got "success."
aggiungi "uccesso" a quella "s" che era rimasta e ottieni "successo".
By the time we got here, all that was left was... this.
Tempo di arrivare qui e tutto cio' che era rimasto era... questo.
They took everything. And the only thing that was left, you idiots either lost, gave away, ate or just blew up and sank.
E l'unica cosa che era rimasta, voi idioti l'avete persa, o data via, o mangiata, o semplicemente fatta esplodere ed affondare.
After the explosion all that was left of his dad was, like, a kneecap and a little bit of nut sack.
Dopo l'esplosione, tutto cio' che era rimasto di suo padre era tipo una rotula e un pezzetto di scroto.
All the gold that was left in Fort Knox, was now owned by the Federal Reserve, a group of private bankers, as collateral against the national debt.
Tutto l'oro che era rimasto a Fort Knox, era ora proprietà della Federal Reserve, un gruppo di banche private, come garanzia per il debito pubblico.
They picked up everything that was left.
Hanno preso tutto quello che era rimasto.
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