Käännös "cardiopulmonary" italialainen
And your cardiopulmonary bypass, it appeared to be adequate.
E il suo bypass cardiopolmonare e' sembrato adeguato.
This is a cardiopulmonary bypass machine.
E' una macchina per il bypass cardiopolmonare.
She'll have a full cardiopulmonary collapse if we don't release it.
Avra' un collasso cardiopolmonare se non la togliamo.
She needs cardiopulmonary support.
Ha bisogno del supporto cardiopolmonare.
He's in trauma doing cardiopulmonary bypass.
E' in sala operatoria per un bypass cardiopolmonare.
His cardiopulmonary tissues have begun to deteriorate.
I suoi tessuti cardiopolmonari si stanno deteriorando.
What about a cardiopulmonary bypass ?
Cosa ne dice di un bypass cardiopolmonare?
He's in cardiopulmonary collapse.
E' in collasso cardiopolmonare.
Often caused by cardiopulmonary arrest.
E' spesso causata da arresto cardiopolmonare.
You helped develop the cardiopulmonary bypass machine.
Ha collaborato allo sviluppo della macchina per il bypass cardiopolmonare.
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