Do you think the police are the fools you are? Everything points to the fact that you were out of doors and near the pavilion at the time of the tragedy. What were you doing there?
¿Creen que la policía es tan bruta como ustedes? Todo prueba que estaban afuera, cerca del pabellón, en el momento del drama. ¿Qué hacían allí?
You were out of the country.
Estaba fuera del país. —Sí.
You said you were out of 12-gauge shells.
Usted dijo que estaban fuera cartuchos de calibre 12.
Or maybe Rachel Gray woke up one morning and recognized you were out of your mind, so you shot her to death.
O tal vez Rachel Gray se despertó una mañana y reconocido que estaban fuera de su mente, de modo que su plano a la muerte.
You didn't tell her you were out on a case?
Usted no le dijo que estaban fuera en un caso?
We thought you were out of town.
Pensabamos que estaban fuera de la ciudad.
I think they'd rather you were out of jail.
Creo que hubiera preferido que estaban fuera de la cárcel.
I thought you were out of the Navy, Lardoski.
pensé que estaban fuera de la Armada, Lardoski.
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