Käännös "without much success" espanja
Without much success
I've even performed some of your experiments, without much success, I'm afraid.
He realizado algunos de sus experimentos, sin mucho éxito, me temo.
We've been tracking him without much success.
Le estamos vigilando sin mucho éxito.
They've been working on hyperdrive technology but without much success.
Han estado trabajando en tecnología de hiperimpuslo pero sin mucho éxito.
Well, I've been trying to, get hold of Mrs. Blaney's other works without much success.
Bueno, he estado tratando de conseguir los otros trabajos de la Sra. Blaney sin mucho éxito.
He was trying to collect old debts without much success, I must say.
Brannom era mi cobrador sin mucho éxito, si he de ser sincero.
Now I hear that Moray is trying to raise funds to buy back his store without much success.
Ahora, he oído que Moray está tratando de recaudar fondos para recuperar su tienda sin mucho éxito.
Fighting extradition, but without much success.
Está intentando que no la extraditen, aunque sin mucho éxito.
I tried to sleep, but without much success.
Traté de dormir, pero sin mucho éxito.
Without much success, really, I’m afraid.”
Sin mucho éxito en realidad, me temo.
It strove to rationalise its structures, without much success.
Intentó racionalizar sus estructuras, sin mucho éxito.
Sephrenia was trying without much success to suppress a laugh.
Sefrenia intentaba, sin mucho éxito, reprimir una carcajada.
His left tried to follow suit, but without much success.
El izquierdo trataba de seguirle el juego, pero sin mucho éxito.
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