Käännös "were trying" espanja
They were trying to control me.
Estaban intentando controlarme
They were trying to steal him.
Ellos estaban intentando robarle.
They were trying to fix it.
Estaban intentando arreglarlo.
They were trying to kill me.
Estaban intentando matarme.
They were trying to kill you.
Estaban intentando mataros.
They were trying to kill her.
Estaban intentando matarla.
They were trying to scare us.
Estaban intentando asustarnos.
But they were trying, they were trying to show me.
Pero estaban intentando, estaban intentando mostrarme.
They were trying to abort her child.
Estaban intentando abortar.
You said you were trying. Trying what?
Dijiste que lo estabas intentando. ¿Intentando qué?
they were trying to kill him.
otros estaban intentando matarle a él.
But they were trying to make a mark here.
Pero con esto estaban intentando decir algo.
You were trying to escape.
Estaban tratando de escapar.
They were trying to protect you.
Estaban tratando de protegerte.
They were trying to put you under.
Estaban tratando de anestesiarlo.
They were trying to help me.
Estaban tratando de ayudarme.
They were trying to fool you
Estaban tratando de engañarte
They were trying to escape.
Ellos estaban tratando de huir.
The others were trying to help him.
Los otros estaban tratando de ayudar.
They were trying to scare him--that was all.
Estaban tratando de asustarlo, eso era todo.
They were trying to find a child.
– Estaban tratando de encontrar a una niña.
“You were trying to flee from me?”
—¿Estabas tratando de huir de mí?
You were trying to kill me!
—¡Usted estaba tratando de matarme!
They were trying to develop a super-soldier.
Estaban tratando de desarrollar un supersoldado.
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