Samankaltaiset kontekstilausekkeet
At times I feel as if we were one, capturing little moments of history in a kaleidoscope of colours and drama.
A veces parece que somos uno solo, captando momentos históricos en un caleidoscopio de colores y drama.
That you and God were one.
Tú y Dios eran uno mismo.
For Spinoza, God and nature were one.
Para Spinoza, Dios y la naturaleza eran uno solo.
Proof positive that he and his company were one.
Eso probaba que el y su compañia eran uno
And they were one.
Y eran uno solo.
Now our brains and bodies were one.
Nuestras mentes y nuestros cuerpos eran uno.
The practical and the theoretical were one.
Los teóricos y los prácticos eran uno.
I used to believe they were one and the same.
Solía creer que eran uno y el mismo.
Long ago, dragons and men were one.
Hace tiempo atrás dragones y hombres eran uno.
"But for him, fact and fiction were one."
"Pero en él, realidad y ficción eran uno."
Prince and Carlyle Court were one.
Príncipe y la corte de Carlyle eran uno.
If ever two were one, then surely we
Si alguna vez dos fueron uno Nosotros fuimos así
y ou were one all along.
y fueron uno todo el tiempo.
The Maya were one of the only ancient people that invented a mathematical system that we use, which is called place value and zero.
Los Mayas fueron uno de los únicos pueblos antiguos que inventaron un sistema matemático que es el que usamos, que es llamado valor posicional y el cero.
Thinking you were one of those women was where I went wrong.
PENSANDO QUE FUERON UNO DE ESOS Mujer fue que hice mal
They were one of the peoples who'd swept into Western Europe and smashed the central structures of the Roman Empire.
Fueron uno de los pueblos que penetraron en Europa Occidental e hicieron pedazos la estructura central del Imperio Romano.
I just have to know, were one of the two of you adopted?
Sólo tengo que saber, fueron uno de los dos se adoptaron?
The Muslim conquests were one of the most decisive events in history.
Las conquistas musulmanas fueron uno de los acontecimientos más decisivos de la historia.
But our two worlds collided, and soon Mint and Berry were one.
Pero nuestros mundos colisionaron, y las mentas y las bayas fueron uno.
Mines were one of the places where challenges to the age-old beliefs started to emerge.
Las minas fueron uno de los lugares donde comenzaron a surgir los retos a las creencias antiguas.
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