Käännös "were boots" espanja
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Well, they were boots, rather than shoes.
Eran botas, no zapatos.
Don't know if they were cowboy boots. but they were boots on his desk.
No sé si eran botas de cowboy, pero estaban sobre el escritorio.
These were boots that he himself had made. Chelise’s boots. She’d been here!
Estas eran botas que él mismo había hecho. Las botas de Chelise. ¡Ella había estado aquí!
His feet were booted in black to match; his breeches were no lighter, and they clung to the lines of his legs before they tucked in.
Sus pies estaban embutidos en botas negras a juego, sus pantalones no eran más claros y se ceñían a las líneas de las piernas antes de entrar en las botas.
They were boots, actually-black, with a zipper on the side-and he struggled to ram his foot in from his half-sprawled position with obsessive intensity.  "Other end of the hall."
En realidad eran botas (negras con una cremallera a un lado) y trataba de meter el pie de golpe desde su postura medio despatarrada con una intensidad obsesiva. —Al otro extremo.
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