Käännös "waveing" espanja
Crowds of children and adults line the roadways to watch the ballot box convoys on their trips in the evenings, waving and smiling.
Multitudes de niños y adultos bordean las carreteras para mirar los convoyes de urnas cuando viajan al atardecer, saludando y sonriendo".
The footage shows Ms. Bhutto standing through the roof escape hatch of her Land Cruiser and waving at the large crowd around the vehicle while it moved slowly on Liaquat Road.
En las imágenes se ve a la Sra. Bhutto asomándose por la ventanilla de emergencia del techo de su Land Cruiser y saludando a la gran multitud que rodeaba el vehículo mientras este avanzaba lentamente por Liaquat Road.
- Waving to Daddy.
- Saludando a papá.
- Wait, she's waving!
- ¡Espera, está saludando!
- Santa's waving!
- Santa Claus saludando!
He's still waving.
El está saludando.
- Huh, she's waving.
- Huh, está saludando.
Waving, my ass!
¡Saludando los cojones!
She's waving.
Ella estaba saludando.
He's waving.
Te está saludando.
He's waving hello.
Me está saludando.
Waving to your girlfriend?
—¿Estás saludando a tu novia?
He was still smiling and waving.
Continuaba sonriendo y saludando.
“I’ll keep waving at the neighbors.”
Yo seguiré saludando a los vecinos.
He went into the rooming house, waving.
Entró en la casa, saludando.
Then he waved his way to shore.
Estuvo saludando hasta llegar a la orilla.
They waved at people on the street.
Iban saludando a la gente de la calle.
Her father is waving at her from the car.
—Su padre la está saludando desde el coche.
Waving by coincidence at the Horn of Africa.
Saludando por casualidad el Cuerno de África.
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