Käännös "was uninhabited" espanja
Was uninhabited
Inaccessible and Nightingale are uninhabited.
Inaccessible y Nightingale están deshabitadas.
East Caicos and West Caicos are uninhabited.
Caicos oriental y Caicos occidental están deshabitadas.
We thought this planet was uninhabited.
- Creímos que estaba deshabitado.
I thought the planet was uninhabited.
Pensaba que el planeta estaba deshabitado.
I thought this moon was uninhabited.
Pense que esta luna estaba deshabitada.
I thought it was uninhabited.
Pensaba que estaba deshabitado.
I thought the island was uninhabited.
Creí que la isla estaba deshabitada.
I thought they said this island was uninhabited.
Creí que esta isla estaba deshabitada.
Only he thought it was uninhabited.
Pero creía que estaba deshabitada.
I thought this system was uninhabited.
¿Este sistema no estaba deshabitado?
I thought you said this planet was uninhabited.
Dijiste que este planeta estaba deshabitado.
We thought the ground was uninhabited.
Pensamos que la Tierra estaba deshabitada.
But were they also uninhabited?
¿Pero también estarían deshabitados?
Will the villa be uninhabited?
¿Estará deshabitada la quinta?
- But is the villa uninhabited?
—¿Pero está deshabitada la quinta?
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