There's someone whom I left far too abruptly.
Hay alguien a quien dejé demasiado abruptamente.
Had my visit to his house ended too abruptly for his liking?
¿Acaso mi visita a su mansión había finalizado demasiado abruptamente para su gusto?
There are all sorts of reasons, but basically he’s too…” Abruptly she jumped back.
Había todo tipo de razones, pero básicamente tiene demasiados… —Abruptamente saltó al tema anterior—.
He felt his head might burst if he laid it too abruptly on the rocky soil at night – he folded his trousers for its pillow – or could implode even with his laboured eating, or with the cold grate of his toothbrush, or with any remembering at all.
Temía que su cabeza se quebrara si la posaba demasiado abruptamente en el suelo rocoso por la noche (dobló los pantalones para usarlos de cojín) o que explotara al tomar su frugal comida, o limpiándose los dientes con el frío cepillo, o recordando cualquier cosa.
But do not abandon this one too abruptly.
Pero no abandone ésta demasiado bruscamente.
Enough of this, I tell myself, finally, and I pull over again—too abruptly;
«Ya basta», me digo por fin, y vuelvo a parar en el arcén —demasiado bruscamente;
Or perhaps he had told her on the sly—he seemed to have dismissed the subject too abruptly.
O quizá se la hubiera contado a escondidas: parecía haber abandonado el tema demasiado bruscamente.
She had veered off when he had tried to get directly over her, and he had not wanted to change course too abruptly.
Este había modificado su rumbo cuando él había intentado pasar directamente por encima, y no había querido cambiar el rumbo del dirigible demasiado bruscamente.
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