Käännös "they assured" espanja
They assured
The SRRC leaders assured the expert that prisoners of war were not mistreated.
Los dirigentes del SRRC aseguraron al experto que no se maltrataba a los prisioneros de guerra.
Both the Assistant Administrator and the Director, UNFPA, assured the Board that comparability would be possible.
Tanto el Administrador Auxiliar como la Directora del FNUAP aseguraron a la Junta que las comparaciones serían posibles.
He was assured that if he confessed, he would be immediately released.
Le aseguraron que, si confesaba, lo pondrían en libertad inmediatamente.
The authorities who accompanied me assured me publicly that this would indeed be the case.
Las autoridades que me acompañaron me aseguraron públicamente que así lo harían.
They assured her of their full support.
Asimismo, le aseguraron su pleno apoyo.
The representatives assured the team that there were no Syrian troops or equipment in the position.
Los representantes aseguraron al equipo que no había tropas o equipo sirios en la posición.
The attorneys assured the Special Rapporteur that they were "really independent".
Estos aseguraron al Relator Especial que eran "verdaderamente independientes".
Both Governments assured the Group that no such meetings had been held on their territories.
Ambos Gobiernos aseguraron al Grupo que esas reuniones no se habían llevado a cabo en sus territorios.
His interlocutors assured him that the trial was imminent.
Sus interlocutores le aseguraron que el proceso se iniciaría próximamente.
Of course not, they assured him.
Le aseguraron que no.
Robin was assured it was.
Le aseguraron a Robin que así era.
There would be riots, I was assured;
Habría disturbios, me aseguraron;
They assured her that they had been waiting for her.
Le aseguraron que habían estado esperándola.
“He’s going to die,” they also assured her.
«Morirá», aseguraron también.
They assured us they’d look into it.
Nos aseguraron que investigarían más el asunto.
Oh, yes, he was assured, they did.
Oh, sí, le aseguraron, sí lo hacían.
They assured him that, as usual, everything was perfect.
Ellos le aseguraron que, como de costumbre, todo era perfecto.
I was assured they used rodent poison here.
Me aseguraron que empleaban raticida.
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