Käännös "that it was called" espanja
That it was called
** At the time of identification, the State was called Serbia and Montenegro.
** En el momento de la identificación, el Estado se llamaba Serbia y Montenegro.
This period of time was called ierominia — holy month.
Este período de tiempo se llamaba ierominia, el mes sagrado.
Answer: He was just somebody called Mubarak al-Mahdi.
R: Uno de ellos se llamaba Mubarak Al-Mahdi.
He was shouting and calling for his mother and father for help.
Gritaba y llamaba a su madre y a su padre para que lo socorrieran.
These athletes were called “chasquis”.
A estos atletas se les llamaba “chasquis”.
This man, who was a Baggara leader, was called Hassan.
Ese hombre, que era un jefe baggara, se llamaba Hassan.
In Russia they were called "dogs of war".
En Rusia se los llamaba "los perros de la guerra".
It called him a dreamer.
Lo llamaba soñador.
The shooter was called Fayiz al-Uksh.
El que disparaba se llamaba Fayiz al-Uksh.
called the forest, called Silvanost,
llamaba el bosque, llamaba Silvanost,
It had been called ... What had it been called?
Se llamaba… ¿Cómo se llamaba?
called me, called me through the night,
me llamaba, me llamaba a través de la noche,
He was called Ignacio, and he called me Tedge.
Se llamaba Ignacio y él me llamaba «Tech».
She’d call him Crake, he’d call her Oryx.
Ella lo llamaba Crake, y él la llamaba Oryx.
I called her Gina and she called me Boris.
Yo la llamaba Gina y ella me llamaba Borís.
I called him Morgan and he called me Ben.
Me llamaba Ben y yo le llamaba Morgan.
None called for Erekosë. None called for me!
Nadie llamaba a Erekosë. ¡Nadie me llamaba!
She banged and banged and called and called. But he was gone.
Golpeaba y golpeaba y lo llamaba y llamaba, pero él se había marchado.
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