Käännös "taking care of him" espanja
Taking care of him
All those years he was ill, with you taking care of him, taking care of everyone.
Todos aquellos años que estuvo enfermo, contigo cuidándolo, haciéndote cargo de todo.
He was wounded in the thigh, and when he recovered consciousness he found McWatt on both knees taking care of him.
Lo habían herido en un muslo y cuando recobró la conciencia vio a McWatt arrodillado junto a él, cuidándolo.
“Petty was taking care of him this morning, and she says she thinks she saw him cycle.” “Thinks,” Rose said.
—Petty estaba cuidándolo esta mañana, y cree que lo vio en ciclo. —Cree —recalcó Rose.
Angela, who sees the need, is doing overtime herself taking care of him and the ap and their meals and the nightly party, which has regained its momentum in the days since their return.
Angela, que ve la necesidad, hace también horas extras cuidándole y con el ap, las comidas y las fiestas nocturnas, que han recuperado su impulso desde su regreso.
And then the baby caught it from her, and she was so busy taking care of him that she scarcely understood what it meant when she heard the broadcast about the evacuation of Dunkirk.
Luego, se lo contagió al bebé y estuvo tan ocupada cuidándolo que apenas si comprendió lo que ocurría cuando oyó en la radio la noticia de la evacuación de Dunquerque.
Freddie Potter, the cook’s little boy, was junior to Rosalind by about three years, and she enormously enjoyed bossing him about, taking care of him, and acting the part of the munificent protector, as well as being a complete tyrant in arranging what games they played.
Freddie Potter era tres años menos que Rosalind y ella disfrutaba enormemente dirigiéndole, cuidándole, haciendo el papel de protector y siendo al mismo tiempo un tirano absoluto que disponía a qué tenían que jugar.
Still, buttoning the old man’s shirt and tucking him under the blanket, Aunt wished she could tell him that it was his good fortune that she was taking care of him now, that she would be the one to see him off when it was his time to exit this world.
Aun así, mientras abotonaba la camisa del anciano y lo arropaba bajo las mantas, tuvo ganas de decirle que tenía suerte de que ella estuviera allí en esos momentos, cuidándolo, que sería ella quien se despediría de él cuando le llegara la hora de abandonar este mundo.
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