Käännös "socialist party" espanja
Socialist party
Why don't you join the Socialist Party?
Apúntese al Partido Socialista.
-The Socialist Party executive.
- Ejecutivo del partido socialista.
Chaikovsky of the People’s Socialist Party;
Chaikovski, del Partido Socialista Popular;
The PS. The French Socialist Party.
—A cosas como el PSF, el Partido Socialista de Francia.
His worst threat was to join the Socialist party;
La peor de sus amenazas fue la de entrar en el partido socialista;
He was a wealthy and visionary young man and a member of the Socialist Party.
Él era un joven adinerado y visionario, miembro del Partido Socialista.
Especially after the organization made by the great socialist party.
Especialmente después de la organización llevada a cabo por el partido socialista.
Her husband had been a trade union member and a member of the socialist party.
Su marido estaba afiliado a un sindicato y al partido socialista.
and further, of the Socialist Party of Spain, the Communist Party of Spain, and the various small independent Socialist parties.
y más adelante el Partido Socialista de España, el Partido Comunista de España, y pequeños partidos independientes socialistas.
By the spring of 1994 the Christian Democratic and Socialist parties had vanished.
En la primavera de 1994 la democracia cristiana y los partidos socialistas habían desaparecido.
The cabinet socialists included one from the Populist Socialist Party, A.
Los socialistas del gabinete incluían a uno del Partido Socialista Popular, A. V.
There are no legal socialist parties, fascist parties, religious parties in Ul Qoma.
En Ul Qoma no hay partidos socialistas legalizados, ni fascistas, ni religiosos.
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