Käännös "short hairs" espanja
Short hairs
The DA, the mayor, they just want to show everyone that they got NYPD by the short hairs.
El fiscal del distrito, el alcalde, que sólo quiero mostrar a todos que consiguieron NYPD por los pelos cortos.
I would have said balls, but short hairs works.
Yo hubiera dicho bolas, pero pelos cortos está bien.
Nuzzling the short hairs.
Hocicando los pelos cortos.
The short hairs prickled on the back of his neck. He strained his eyes, but saw only the meaningless pattern of points of light that comes with inky darkness.
Los pelos cortos le punzaban en la nuca Forzó la vista, pero sólo vio la pauta carente de sentido de los puntos de luz que acompañan a la oscuridad profunda.
That was more concrete; Bomilcar worked at it for some moments, nipping at the short hairs of his beard beneath his bottom lip with strong teeth. “Agelastus,” he said at last.
Aquello ya era más concreto, y Bomílcar se puso a reflexionar, mordisqueándose con sus fuertes dientes los pelos cortos de la barba bajo el labio inferior. –Agelasto -dijo finalmente-.
From his breechclout, from a fold in the hairy skin of his testicles, his fingers running under the cloth and over his short hairs just long enough for the girl’s mouth to quiver (he did not know, nor did I, whether her lips trembled or he only thought they moved at the feel of his finger on himself) he brought out from that fold of his flesh one of his copper coins, in weight a quarter of an utnu, heavier than both of my testicles together, and waved it under her nose with a gesture he might have borrowed from his Lord, Menenhetet, so resourceful was its mixture of contempt at the reek of this bar, and pride in the luxury of the manner by which he had plucked it forth.
Se metió los dedos en su taparrabo y revolvió entre los pelos cortos viendo cómo le temblaba la boca a la muchacha (él no sabía, ni yo tampoco, si le temblaban los labios o si él imaginaba que se movían al ver que él se tocaba) hasta sacar, de entre un pliegue de la piel velluda de sus testículos, una moneda de cobre cuyo peso era un cuarto de utnu, superior al de sus dos testículos juntos, y agitarla bajo la nariz de ella con un gesto que podría haber aprendido de su señor Menenhetet, mezcla de desprecio por el hedor del bar y de orgullo por la ostentosidad con que la había extraído.
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