Käännös "resigned from" espanja
has resigned from this school
Ha renunciado a la escuela
You may have resigned from Stoneheart, but you haven't resigned from Eldritch Palmer.
Puede que hayas renunciado a Stoneheart, pero no has renunciado a Eldritch Palmer.
Today I resign from the writing of "Seito".
He renunciado a escribir para "Seito".
A lesser man would have resigned from the force.
Un hombre de menos valor habría renunciado a la Fuerza.
Mrs. Cotts-Watkinson, why haven't you resigned from television?
Mrs. Cotts-Watkinson, ¿por qué no ha renunciado a la televisión?
Stevie said that you've resigned from your job? Yeah.
- Stevie me dijo que has renunciado a tu trabajo.
I resigned from Columbia.
He renunciado a Columbia.
He's resigned from the party post.
Ha renunciado a su cargo en el partido
No, no, I resigned from the CIA.
No, no. He renunciado a la CIA.
I'm sorry your father resigned from the Commission.
Lamento que tu padre haya renunciado a la comisión.
But no, he had resigned from the struggles of the world.
Pero no, había renunciado a las luchas del mundo.
He’d resigned from the Foundation and now he was about to resign from NOI.
Había renunciado a la fundación y ahora estaba a punto de renunciar a la NDI.
By not going to confession and communion before Easter, I in effect resigned from the faith.
—No confesándome y no comulgando por Pascua, he renunciado a la fe.
“It seems he has small choice now that Adam has resigned from the fray.”
—Al parecer le quedaban pocas opciones ahora que Adam ha renunciado a la refriega.
He has resigned from his paper and seems happier than I remember him ever being.
Ha renunciado a su trabajo en el periódico y nunca ha sido tan feliz.
Tielman Roos has resigned from the Appellate Division, he announced, and sat back in his seat.
—Tielman Roos ha renunciado a su cargo en la Cámara de Apelaciones —anunció, antes de reclinarse en la silla.
‘The minister,’ Dijkstra said, looking up at the ceiling, ‘resigned from the post owing to his poor state of health.’
—El ministro —Dijkstra bajó los ojos hacia el suelo— ha renunciado a su función a causa de su estado de salud.
Or better still, having resigned from your proper duties, teach the Plebs how to frame treaties and set tributes.
O mejor aún, puesto que habéis renunciado a los deberes que os son propios, enseñadle a la plebe cómo se estructuran los tratados y se fijan los tributos.
He had resigned from his post as Superintendent of Education to run for Lt. Governor as a Republican against his boss, the Governor, a Democrat.
Había renunciado a su puesto como Superintendente de Educación para postularse como candidato a vicegobernador por parte de los republicanos, y se enfrentó al gobernador que, por cierto, además de ser demócrata, era su jefe.
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