Käännös "redeem himself" espanja
Redeem himself
His last chance to redeem himself.
Su última oportunidad para redimirse.
Maybe this is his chance to redeem himself.
–Quizás ésta sea su oportunidad de redimirse.
Sometimes he is able to redeem himself.
Incluso puede llegar a redimirse.
He could redeem himself—come back from it.
Podría redimirse volver de eso.
They hadn't even given him a chance to redeem himself.
No le habían dado ni siquiera la oportunidad de redimirse.
The only question was, was it too late to redeem himself?
Se preguntó si sería demasiado tarde para redimirse.
That she will give him a chance to redeem himself and his family.
Para que le dé una oportunidad de redimirse a él y a su familia.
But he'd managed to redeem himself—with help from that koprit bird.
Pero se las había ingeniado para redimirse… con la ayuda de un pájaro koprit.
There is an opportunity to redeem himself, if he does not give in to evil.
Existe una oportunidad para redimirse, si no cede ante el mal.
He made no attempt to redeem himself from his own beastliness.
No hizo intento alguno por redimirse de su propia bestialidad.
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