Käännös "radical mastectomy" espanja
Radical mastectomy
We'd like to perform a radical mastectomy.
Nos gustaría realizar una mastectomía radical.
A radical mastectomy may be her only chance for survival.
Una mastectomía radical podría ser su única posibilidad.
Because with a modified radical mastectomy you can save the patient.
Porque con una mastectomía radical modificada puedes salvar al paciente.
What's known as a modified radical mastectomy.
Conocida como mastectomía radical modificada.
If not, you may want to follow a more extreme course, which would mean a modified radical mastectomy.
Si no, habrá que tomar medidas más drásticas, es decir, una mastectomía radical modificada.
When she was ten, eleven, her mother got breast cancer, underwent two radical mastectomies.
Cuando tenía diez años, tal vez once, su madre enfermó de cáncer de mama y tuvieron que practicarle dos mastectomías radicales.
He told her in no uncertain terms that if a tumor that big and that deep turned out to be malignant, she would have to have a modified radical mastectomy, and extensive chemotherapy, and it was best to face it.
Afirmó sin vacilar que si un tumor de sus características era maligno tendría que practicarle una mastectomía radical modificada, además de quimioterapia, y que era mejor que empezara a hacerse a la idea.
“It’s probably nothing,” she said, and reminded me of the long list of false alarms that had come up in the aftermath of both her sarcoma and the radical mastectomy she had undergone after being diagnosed with advanced breast cancer in 1975.
«Tal vez no sea nada», dijo, y me recordó la larga lista de injustificadas alarmas que se habían presentado con posterioridad al sarcoma, y a la mastectomía radical sufrida tras el diagnóstico de un cáncer de mama avanzado en 1975.
“With daggers lying at the end of my dreams, I [don’t] sleep much…. I am ill, perhaps irreversibly ill,” she noted in her journal as she lay in her bed in Memorial Sloan-Kettering after undergoing that version of a radical mastectomy called a “Halstead.”
«Con dagas al final de mis sueños, [no] duermo mucho… estoy enferma, quizás enferma de modo irreversible», anotó en su diario mientras yacía en la cama del Memorial Sloan-Kettering después de someterse a esa versión de mastectomía radical denominada «Halstead».
“We did a modified radical mastectomy on her, which means that we took the entire breast, and breast tissue, extending toward the breastbone, collarbone, and ribs, and her minor pectoral muscle. This means that she'll be able to have reconstructive surgery in a few months, if that's her wish, and if she's up to it during the chemo.
Hemos realizado una mastectomía radical modificada. Eso quiere decir que hemos extirpado toda la mama y los músculos pectorales menores, pero que podrá beneficiarse de la cirugía plástica o reconstructiva dentro de unos meses, si lo desea, o incluso durante la quimioterapia, si se encuentra bien.
She only read a few lines, which explained that anything up to and including a radical mastectomy might be performed, though he had already told her that he rarely did anything more than modified radicals anymore, which meant that he took, along with the breast, the tissue high up in the arm, the minor pectoral muscles, and not the majors. The major ones made reconstructive surgery impossible.
Sólo leyó unas cuantas líneas, en las que se autorizaba a realizar incluso una mastectomía radical, aunque el médico le había explicado que por lo general bastaba con la radical modificada, en la que se extirpaba el seno y los músculos pectorales menores, pero no los mayores.
He wanted her to go to the hospital that weekend for blood tests and a chest X ray, and they had discussed the impossibility of her giving her own blood on such short notice. But he had told her that even radical mastectomies rarely required transfusions, and if need be, after the surgery, he would call her office to organize donor-specific blood, and other than that, there was nothing left to say, until Monday.
El médico quería que fuera al hospital ese fin de semana para hacer un análisis de sangre y unas radiografías del pecho. Señaló también la imposibilidad de que donara su propia sangre con tan poca anticipación. No obstante, según Hermán en muy contadas ocasiones era indispensable una transfusión, aun tratándose de mastectomías radicales.
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